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Pekka Ervast: The Prayer of Jesus (translated into English by Marko)

Our Father, who live in heavens of our hearts and conscience, You who are the immortal goodness which is hidden in the innermost deepness of our spirit,
May Your name be hallowed, so that we would love nothing more than You, that we wouldn't humbly bow before anything else but Your voice in our conscience,
May Your kingdom come close, so that all the nations would recognize the power of Your love to be their only ruler, and that day by day would grow the number of those people who see in You their only Father and who know they are Your Sons in eternity,
And may Your will be done on earth as in heaven, so that we - the children of Your spirit who hear Your voice in heavens of our hearts - would fulfill the commandments of Your will in our life on earth,
Give us this day our daily Bread, let such things occure also today, that will remind us of You when we in our bodily weakness forget You,
So that in our heart we would never forget to forgive all weaknesses of our brothers and all those sorrows they bring to us, so that we would also feel in our spirit the forgiving force of Your mercy poured out upon us,
And lead us not into temptation, to choose between the two that both seem good to us,
But deliver us from evil, so that we might always see Your will and our way clear ahead and would not go astray by getting caught on those traps that life in a body throws before our feet by the names of hatred, unjustity, thoughtlessness, violence and bitterness in thoughts, words and works,
For Yours is the kingdom, and the power also on earth, so that we can't escape from payback of our deeds, but we may reap what we sow, so that through the phases of our own life we would be awakened to realize that Your will be done not ours,
But also glory is Yours in eternity, oh Father, For when You let Yourself be known to us, then all is peace and joy and forgiveness, then we live in Your bliss, then our smallness will go away possessed by Your infinity. Amen.

From the booklet "Salainen Oppi" ja muita kirjoituksia - "The Secret Doctrine" and other writings.

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