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Beautiful Rebel

 Often as I write poems in English, I actually think of them as lyrics, but I can't play any instrument and neither I sing. And as so many other poems of mine, this has taken quite a while to be finished (months, or even years!). In this final version, I have combined two originally separate ideas. If you read my blog, writings like "Satan loves you!" or "Changes", you should have a pretty good idea of what this could be all about, but I'm not going to explain it - your interpretation is just as good as mine, and I'm not saying I think while I write: rather, it comes from the heart - but I do like to play with words and rhymes, as you may notice... 

You are beautiful rebel
Accused of all evil
ever done by people

But I know who you are -
A bright morning star
Rising in my heart

They tell you, "Satan, be gone!"
I welcome you, my angel, my demon
Heaven or hell, which one I belong?

I'm calling your name, Lucifer!
A fallen angel, lost forever
In hell only love is fire

Bringer of light of reason
Help me to break out of this prison
To rise and reclaim my freedom

Blinded by your light
A day turns to night
You see black, I see white

I'm blessed with a curse
At best it gets worse;
Saved by grace, damned by choise
I raise my voice!

Even if sacrilidge and blashemy
Among men
Were practised by many
In my name
I am not an enemy.

Do you question me?
Are you testing me?
Your dark honesty
Is refreshing to me:
Embracing this alien destiny...

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