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Supernatural Life

I am a Reiki practisener; I completed the second degree in Usui System of Natural Healing (Usui Shiki Ryoho) already in 1994. Before that I read a book about healing and tested its teachings with a friend of mine - with powerful results. On Reiki courses I also had impressive experiences of healing energy. However, I gave up Reiki for several years while being a member of Lectorium Rosicrucianum: Healing, among other things, was seen harmful.
When I started again, I immadiately felt like being in a "flow of life". In fact, when channelling Reiki, I get the same blessed feeling as I have while praying! That is the most important proof that I'm in touch with God! When I pray I love God with all my heart and with all my soul and with all my mind and with all my strenght - just reflecting His love towards me back to Him.
I think Reiki is pure, divine love flowing through me. My hands are the hands of Christ. Reiki is unique laying on of hands method, because you can do it to yourself, too. I think that's the most significant aspect of Reiki: To treat yourself is to love yourself; love begins at home before it can expand to neighbors, and the source of all Love is God who first has loved us.
I always start my Reiki sessions with prayer, "Your Will, Lord, not mine" - in the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, making the sign of the cross (head, heart, hands - through which Reiki flows). I also use Reiki to bless food. As a christian it has been good to find christian Reiki sites on the Web and see that I'm not alone.
As a Reiki practisoner I'm puritanist: Usui Shiki Ryoho is enough for me. Since 1994 it seems to me that Reiki field has "gone wild": new sub-categories of Reiki have appeared abundantly. Would you like to receive distant Reiki? I just need your name and location.

For years I've had a regular time of the day for prayer, a home altar, and certain rituals: I light a candle and incense sticks, and read "Meditative Prayers for today" by Adam Bittleston, English priest of The Christian Community. I think about my friends, family etc. Finally I say the Lord's Prayer aloud. This is my way. Prayer is such a personal matter that each individual must create his own methods. Of course all those forms are basically unnecessary, but if they help to create the right atmosphere, why not? Steady time and place increase the power of prayer - it's like building an invisible Temple day by day. Prayer is answered immadiately by the Presence of Christ. This is the only answer I'm expecting. We must pray "in spirit and truth" - by the power of Spirit and understanding the truth.
Intercessory prayer is the way to apply the Golden Rule in practise: Prayer for another person (even an enemy) is the deed of love. Neighbourly love is not a feeling - you don't need to like everybody - it is impersonal good will expressed in action. For me that has been a good lesson to learn. Do you need a prayer?

I used to meditate every morning and every evening - even for an hour! Nowadays I miss meditation but haven't found enough will power to do it on daily basis. 15 minutes a day would be enough. When you pray you talk to God, when you meditate you listen to God. You talk to God above and listen to God within.

Weekly Mass is the central point of my life. From Sunday morning this stream of the Vital Light-Blood of Christ's Radiant Love carries me along to my everyday life. It is the beating heart of the sacramental life of the community, from the heart of the Altar, from the heart of Christ. The Aim of the Service is to change the world. It happens through people who receive the transformed elements of bread and wine. I live along the Service and it is living in me: I am in Christ and Christ is in me.
We were born of God but God gave us the free will and in freedom we have walked a long way alienating from our Origin. Freely we must also turn to Him again and give ourselves to Him. This is our sacrifice.
The Influence of the Mass continues during the week as the Supersubstantial Bread in the Sacrament of the Lord's Prayer, which is also said in The Mass. Blessing received in both cases is based on the same fact of the Real Presence of Christ. In Communion He's just more present because He becomes flesh and blood in Bread and Wine and once consumed, the food becomes one essence with an eater.
Thus Christ Jesus has truly joined human race by blood bond and entered down to the very core of earth itself. He is our older Brother, Higher Self of the earth, working mystically in each human soul and cosmically in the universe.
No matter what one may think about Opus Dei and its founder, Josemaría Escrivá, but he has said some wise words: "'Not by bread alone does man live, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God', said our Lord. Bread and word! Host and prayer. Otherwise, you will not live a supernatural life."

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