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On Being Christian

Many christians only see their own path; they have no appreciation for other traditions in christianity - at worsed they may even think their path is the only one!
People may see Christ from different sides but nevertheless they are looking at the one and same Christ. I think there are as many denominations as there are different types of men who have different spiritual needs. There are many paths to one goal - "Not I but Christ in me"- but also one starting point: "He must increase and I must decrease". The path that is suitable for one may not be suitable for another, but surely everyone will find exactly what he needs at the moment. You just need to listen to your heart. In your chamber God will speak to you in secret.

Anyone who's confessing of being christian, is christian! Nobody else can decide that for you!

The official christianity", as we know it today, has been put together along the centuries by voting in church councils. From the very beginning of the christian religion there has never been a single package labeled "christianity". Not all in early church even believed in Jesus as God and they were not considered heretics until c. 150 A.D.
Early christians were persecuted until christianity was made legal and the official religion of Roman state. It was all about power and politics. The Persecuted became the Persecutor. When a religious movement grows large and attracts masses, it's often the end of movement and the message crystallises into dogmatic orthodoxy. What is left is the lifeless body. Dogmatic are those who can not accept even for consideration any new ideas they are unable to fit in their old thought-patterns.

Religion has always got the exoteric aspect and the esoteric aspect, outer form and inner core, courtyard and The Most Holy. Exoteric christianity deals with the letter of the Bible and the moral code. Esoteric christianity seeks for the Spirit beyond the letter and inner renewal of Man; Christianity is seen as a new force that wants to flow into our souls - rebirth is a spiritual alchemy. Slavery of the Law or the freedom of Gospel? Whoever may want easy answers without need to think for themselves, are most likely pleased with the previous one.

On Pride parade I have felt the power of unity - how we are all one big Rainbow Family. Yet even among gay men it's not uncommon to hear that "we all cheat our partners, it's normal for gay men"! Glbt-christians are the minority among the minority.

To worship God together is more than just to talk about God.
The only thing that really matters is one's personal experience: "I feel good!"
Glbt-christians are not a homogeneous group (homo - ha ha ;). Homosexuality in itself is no more uniting factor than heterosexuality is. And the matters of faith seem to unite and separate at the same time. Yet the little details that separate us are not as essential as the one thing that unites us: "One is your Master!" We must see what good is elsewhere: Christ has other sheep and there are many rooms in Father's House.

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