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Forerunners of the Humanity

A human consciousness is evolving and so should his religion. Yet we see how religious institutions and their authorities stumble far behind, trying to hold on to the past and prevent the inevitable. Therefore they are fighting against the Truth, but they can only slow down that which is to come, because it is the part of the Great Divine Plan!
It is quite understandable that many glbt-people give up organised religion because they are disappointed in dogmatism, or in a worsed case they give up religion. Period. For me it was never an option: In my eyes fundamentalism and atheism are just two extremes, just like Christ was crucified in the middle of two wrong-doers. If you belong to the church where you have to hide your true identity and listen to the preachers questioning your faith, I can't see much chance to become a whole, balanced individual.
Real wholeness is just that: balance between your faith and your identity. To love God - as he loves you - and your neighbor as yourself! By denying and suppressing your God-created nature, you sin against your Creater! Sexuality is sacred, a gift from God, not to be shared with just anybody and not for your own satisfaction only, but to make your partner happy! We can all be "fruitful" and grow the fruits of the spirit. No lighted candle is covered with a vessel, so let your light shine before men.
It's very important to know people who already have walked that road: support and exchanging experiences can make everything so much easier, though in your heart you still need to deal with it by yourself. Religion is a private matter, a matter of consciense, what comes to the way of thought and the way of life, but it will lack much of its potential without community, without sacraments. Christianity can not be practised alone: it's all about "love one another" and "OUR Father"!
It's outrageous that some people have a nerve to question my relationship with God, which is only between me and my Lord! Only he can see my heart and judge me. I think many who call themselves christians, would gladly burn us at the stake, and if Christ Jesus walked on earth today as in Palestine 2000 years ago, he would be crucified again by those so-called christians (as he is still crucified in the spirit!).
Often I get the impression that even if a person said he believes in God, he repels the Supernatural! We can even talk about "spiritual materialism". The next step logically is to throw away the Bible, too. If the "Word of God" was "finished" and "complete", it would be just a relic of the past. But the Word of God is Christ, not the book, and christianity is not teaching. Christianity is a living, spiritual impulse which wells up from Golgatha and flows to the future. That stream of the vital light-blood of Christ's radiant love is made active in eternal present through the mystical act of the Mass. The Mass is a wonderful instrument to help us to develope our intimate relationship with Christ within. Only then we can fully comprehend the Christ's sacrificial deed for us!
This Christ-impulse can not be owned by churches, nor chained by dogma, neither imprisoned in the Bible. Intellectual faith, thinking with a heart, "gnosis"; that's my kind of faith.
I think glbt-christians should boldly participate the Pride parade, standing out and testifying for the Lord who loves us with unconditional love! So what if people mock us and hate us?
Jesus said: "Blessed are you when men hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil because of the Son of Man. Rejoice that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. Fot that is how their fathers treated the prophets" (Luke 6:22-23. NIV). Think about the early christian martyrs who died because of their faith! We are unlikely to be killed, but why fear those who can kill the body but not the soul.
Along the years I have become more radical in my theological thinking. No longer I merely think that we glbt-people have a right to be what we are, but we have a specific mission - we are the forerunners of the humanity!

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