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Internet is full of interpretations how the phrases of the Lord's Prayer relate to seven chakras of man. And they all link phrases to different chakras! However, I have found them all inconsistent – they may jump from chakra to chakra without any apparent logic, or the connection to certain chakra seems not so evident to me. So, here I present result of my own reflection. It is extremely simple: it goes phrase by phrase from the top to the bottom and back, until reaching the heart centre. (Doxology – “For Thine is…” - is not part of the original Prayer, but you may certainly connect it with three upper chakras.)
With collected information on each chakra, you can judge by yourself how well they match. For comparison, I have added few links of other interpretations mentioned above. Practical test is to visualize white light coming through your body from above, from crown chakra to root chakra and back again, as you say the prayer, and FEEL IT. 

1. Our Father

Our spiritual connection to the energy field of the universe and the source of all knowledge. Through that we experience total emptiness, liberation from the limitations of mind and matter, receive cosmic energy, and believe in life in its purest form.
“The universe is in me and I am in the universe. I am unity and peace.”

2. Which art in heaven

This chakra is our spiritual eye. Open up that eye, and look into your mind. Open it up to the world and see it with spiritual eye. This chakra represents conscious sense of existence, power of mind, seeking for truth, and intuition or energy before thought. Intuition is receiving and knowing, inner sight before concrete evidence. Emotional intelligence includes the power of imagination; what you can receive and imagine, that you can achieve. To seek for truth; to experience the balance of mind; to see the truth and divine perfection in all things; to purify the subconscious, so that you can listen to your intuition more clearly.
“I am the clarity and wideness. My visions are clear and bright. I trust my intuition.”

3. Hallowed be Thy name

Sing the wordless sound. Express all your feelings by your voice. Feel the beauty and harmony in you. Let it flow through you to the world. Communication; self-expression; creativity through voice; will power. It includes listening and speaking out your own truth, taking responsibility of your own feelings and ability to unite the heart and mind.
“I am tranquillity and lucidity. I am freedom and power. I manifest the truth. I am the truth. I experience and see beauty in everything.”

4. Thy Kingdom come
10. But deliver us from evil

Open up your heart to love. Radiate love from your heart. Connection with the very core of all existence and gentle embrace of all creation. Genuine compassion and unconditional love are the challenging subjects linked to heart chakra, that evolve and grow through loving and understanding self-approval. Love is the holy power. First cherish yourself and then others. Express caring through action. Release emotional, hidden trauma. Be non-judgmental towards other people. Heart chakra radiates strongly outwards and its radiation heals and transforms other people. It unites upper and lower chakras; its task is to unite with love. 
"Love in everything I experience, feel, sense, and create. I am love, and acceptance, and forgiveness."
5. Thy Will be done
9. And do not lead us into temptation

Personal power, your own will, self-confidence. This chakra also represents lessons of your ego and positive attitude, acquiring knowledge and intelligent understanding and sense of humour. Forming of existence, independent self-esteem and self-knowledge are harmonic action of this energy centre, beside concentration and focussing. Self-respect, responsibility of your own decisions and choices; to learn to maintain healthy limits in regards to other people. This is connected with feelings and thus astral body and personality of man. Here experiences and feelings are worked out. With the help of this chakra we may also directly sense vibrations of other people.
“I appreciate my own skills. I trust in my abilities. I appreciate and respect. I am power and trust.”

6. In earth, as it is in heaven
8. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors

This chakra controls sexuality, desire and pleasure. Enjoy and rejoice of the world. It represents joy and sensuality, vitality, creativity, and ecstatic feelings. Our ability for accomplishment on emotional level and our relationships reflect the flow of energy of this chakra. Respecting others; benefiting from creative faculties; self-dedicated, shows genuine interest in all relationships.
“I rejoice of my own sexuality, to be a woman/man. I release my fears by confronting them, I am free from fears.”
7. Give us this day our daily bread

This chakra is pulsating with bright red colour of vitality. Vitality glowing red flows from the earth and unites with us. Basic security, as firm ground under our feet, and survival in life are linked to this chakra. It is our connection with the physical world, our body, this planet, and primordial force and energy it brings along. Initiating things, action and ability to accomplish or finish things reflect the flow of energy in root chakra. All is one – ground the spirit with your body; accept yourself and work lovingly on physical level.
“I love earth, I love and accept the present moment as it is, and I know I have power and ability to change it if necessary; I am safe; I am taken care of.”

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